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Anetta Lukjanova: 九十三 FRUiTS of Youth 23.3.-1.4.2021

Opening hours:

23.3. 15-18

24.3.-1.4. 12-18

九十三 FRUiTS of Youth is a take on "neojaponism" from a point of view of two artists in their late twenties who share a similar past of love towards japanese culture in their teens.

2000s and 2010s were a peak for popularity in japanese pop-culture in Finland. All cues of how to be and look came from j-rock, j-pop, anime and doramas. One of very influential books was Shoichi Aokis FRUiTS photobook portraying japanese street style. These images quickly became permanently burned on our retinas.

Since the times of obsessively observing, copying and soaking in this foreign culture our aesthetics today have a strong base in japanese culture. Within the Asbestos space we share our nostalgic tributes to the culture that shaped us.


Anetta Lukjanova (b. 1993) is a classically trained artist based in Helsinki. She works in the mediums of drawing, oilpainting and large scale murals.

Her technical skills painting in classical tradition and the precepts of realism are evident in all of her work. She uses color and broken shapes in her compositions to achieve multifaceted narratives bridging current and timeless phenomena.

In the exhibition Anetta has concentrated on the evolution of pictoral design elements between Europe and Japan due to their influence on each other during the past 200 years. Variation in mark making mixed with a certain personal sense of what memories of Japan feel like call in for a search of nostalgic relatability. —- Veikko Seppälä (b. 1993) is a fashion designer and artist based in Helsinki. His work is based on sustainability working mostly with reclaimed and scrap materials. Seppälä received his BA in Fashion Design in 2020 after studying in Milan. The work presented is a separation from his usual functionality focused design philosophy, working instead on boxy and harsh volumes to create a wearable piece of decorative armor. The armor is inspired by mecha, which has been an inspiration to Seppälä from an early age. Particularly Custom Robo, Mobile Suit Gundam and Neon Genesis Evangelion, which are exemplary for their distinct character designs. This piece is an exercise in rendering tangible the sensation these animated giants give to the artist.

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